Bulletin – 6th August 2021

Church Bulletin

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. John 13 vs 34

I know many people have been asking what changes will be introduced in our church following the move to Step 4 of the roadmap out of lockdown. The Church of England has provided guidance, as has Coventry Diocese, on the approach churches should take. The key message is that as the level of Covid infections remains high, although it appears to now be reducing, we should take a cautious approach in relaxing the existing restrictions.

I’m sure you will all have your own view on how far we should go in terms of the relaxation, but it is important to reflect on the words of John 13 vs 34. We have a responsibility to” love one another” and to look to strike the right balance for all those who are part of the church family.

The PCC met on Monday and have agreed the following changes. These changes will start from week commencing 16th August 2021, this allows time for preparations to be made to the church:

People are requested to:

  • use the sanitiser when entering church.
  • Social distance
  • Use a face covering when in church.
  • Singing – will now be allowed but requested to be done behind a face covering.
  • Move to a 1 metre distance – therefore all pews will be open, but only 2 people (related or formally in a bubble) are allowed to sit in each pew. People will be asked to sit at the opposite end of the pew from the people in the pew in front/behind. This is to achieve the 1 metre social distance. 
  • Upstairs will now be open on Sundays to increase capacity.
  • If people, due to mobility or preference, wish to sit downstairs for the Sunday service you will need to contact Julie to book a place. Otherwise, the booking arrangements will be suspended, and people will be seated on a first come first served basis, utilising both the main body of the church and upstairs. The capacity of the church will be 60 people.
  • People will still be encouraged to record via the track and trace app.
  • We will continue with the current arrangements for sharing the peace.
  • Communion – will be administered in the pews as now. We will follow the option to administer the bread only at this time. We will request that people continue to wear a face covering when receiving Communion to protect both themselves and visiting clergy.
  • Coffee will not be available after any service at this stage.
  • The online service will continue to support those who are not able to return currently.
  • Wednesday Service Wednesday service at 10:00am will start again from the 18th August.
  • Life Events Weddings/Baptisms/Funerals The church can accommodate 60 people utilising upstairs and downstairs. The number able to attend will be at the discretion of the person officiating at the service. Singing will be requested to be undertaken behind face coverings.

As you can imagine trying to get the balance right is very difficult, but we will keep the guidance under review. We will continue to take our steer from the Church of England and Public Health England guidance to make sure that we are keeping us all as safe as possible.

Nick Tooby – Churchwarden

On behalf of the PCC

Sidespersons Rota

We are looking to resume a sidespersons rota for Sunday services. If you are willing to do sides duty please let Julie or one of the churchwardens know.

St Andrew’s ‘Rocks’  

This Summer we would like you to join us in designing and painting a rock on the theme ‘Why I love our Area’.

If you would like to paint a rock there will be a box outside the Church Entrance on Thursdays and Sundays throughout the Summer for you to pop your finished rocks in.

We will then display these rocks in our Rockery at the front of the Church to view and spread a little joy this Summer.

We can’t wait to see what you create!

If you have any further questions then feel free to contact our Youth Worker Emma on standrewscovyouth@gmail.com

Book Club

The next Book Club meeting will be on Tuesday 14th September at 7.30pm and the book we have chosen is: Who moved the Stone, by Frank Morrison.  A well-known book seller says this about the book: The classic text on examining the evidence for the Resurrection. Convinced that the story wasn’t true, Frank Morison started to write about Jesus’ last days. However, as he studied this crucial period something happened… First published in 1930, this is an exploration of what happened between the death of Jesus and the resurrection as recorded in the Bible. Writing this book changed Morison’s life.

Why not read it and join us to discuss what it says?

Any questions please contact Sue Masters.

Youth Work

We are looking to safer recruit volunteers for our Youth work. If you feel you could help with either the Drama Club, Rock Solid or the Youth Wellbeing course then please get in touch with Emma at standrewscovyouth@gmail.com 

Foodbank Donations

To donate to Central foodbank, Sue Barnes is coordinating this so please contact her to drop off food at her house. Contact Sue at susanbarnes1960@outlook.com

If you are unable to give food you can also donate online here: https://www.trusselltrust.org/rddonate-checkout/

Sunday Coffee Gathering

The access codes for the 11.15am Sunday gathering are available from the church wardens.

Please Pray

For the next stage of the appointment process for our new vicar, Jo Joyce, and as she prepares to become our new vicar.

Do send Julie your favourite bible verses or hymn verses, names for prayer and any birthdays, celebrations or articles for inclusion in the bulletin. Julie can be contacted on 07756 918847 or administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk

Church Contacts

Churchwardens: Nick Tooby – 07951 925772 and Becky Crowe – 07875 552518

Parish Administrator: Julie Crow – 07756 918847

Bulletin – 2nd August 2021

Church Bulletin

In my house I am well known for getting up in the middle of the night because I’ve suddenly had a great idea for a talk or thought of something that I need to do and must do it now. To prove my point, I’m writing this thought at 4:00 am on Sunday morning, yes really! Quite often as I return to bed Tracy will mutter to me “do you feel better now you’ve been up half the night?”. Now it’s not a question she is asking out of concern but more out of annoyance as I’ve woken her up AGAIN! However, for whatever reason it never seems to bother me in the morning. I still jump out of bed bright eyed and bushy tailed and ready for the day, unlike Tracy who likes to remind me that she doesn’t feel quite the same!

This past week though I’ve felt tired and drained and on a couple of occasions found myself falling asleep while watching the lunchtime news, something I’ve been warned could happen once I reached 60, but up to now have managed to avoid it. So why has this week been different?

I wish I could blame it on watching the Olympics until the early hours but unfortunately it wasn’t. This past week has been one of those challenging weeks that we all experience from time to time in our lives. On Tuesday I visited A&E with my mum who was suffering with a bad hip having banged it on a chair leg. Following an x-ray and MRI scan she was told that she had broken it and needed surgery to have it fixed. Having spoken to her in the evening and satisfied she was settled I was looking forward to a good night’s sleep. However, that was not to be as our next-door neighbour was ringing our door bell at 1:30 in the morning to inform me someone had decided to break two windows in Josh and Tracy’s car. We spent the next couple of hours securing the cars and clearing the glass away before going back to bed. 

The rest of the week was spent focused on my mum. One of the understandable impacts of COVID has been not being able to visit loved ones in hospital, something I know many people will have experienced over this time. Hospital visiting at the best of times is tiring, but not being able to see your loved one to reassure yourself that they are all right adds another level of concern.  With the delay in her operation, the task of keeping in touch with everyone, plus the general worry you feel when someone is in hospital, meant that by the end of the week I really did feel tired.

My week is not unique and there will be many people who will have had similar experiences and no doubt far more difficult circumstances to deal with than I have. However, it’s in these times that we are looking for support and help and I had to remind myself this week of the words we find in St Matthews gospel (Ch 11 vs 28) where Jesus says “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest”. If you’re having “one of those weeks” then take comfort in these words and turn to the love of our Lord to give you rest at this time.

Nick Tooby – Churchwarden

Church Opening

The church is open for live worship every Sunday and for private prayer on Thursdays.

The current arrangements for attending church will be reviewed by the PCC this evening. A further update will be provided this week.

St Andrew’s ‘Rocks’  

This Summer we would like you to join us in designing and painting a rock on the theme ‘Why I love our Area’.

If you would like to paint a rock there will be a box outside the Church Entrance on Thursdays and Sundays throughout the Summer for you to pop your finished rocks in.

We will then display these rocks in our Rockery at the front of the Church to view and spread a little joy this Summer.

We can’t wait to see what you create!

If you have any further questions then feel free to contact our Youth Worker Emma on standrewscovyouth@gmail.com

Please Pray

For the next stage of the appointment process for our new vicar, Jo Joyce, and as she prepares to become our new vicar.

The following bible passage has been shared by Kate Dagger. This is Kate’s favourite verse. If anyone would like a copy, please contact Julie.

When I think of the wisdom and scope of his plan, I fall down on my knees and pray to the Father of all the great family of God—some of them already in heaven and some down here on earth—that out of his glorious, unlimited resources he will give you the mighty inner strengthening of his Holy Spirit. And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts, living within you as you trust in him. May your roots go down deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love; and may you be able to feel and understand, as all God’s children should, how long, how wide, how deep, and how high his love really is; and to experience this love for yourselves, though it is so great that you will never see the end of it or fully know or understand it. And so at last you will be filled up with God himself.

Now glory be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes. May he be given glory forever and ever through endless ages because of his master plan of salvation for the Church through Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 3 v14-21 (The Living Bible)

Prayer Guide

The prayer guide for August is enclosed.

Prayer Guide AUGUST 2021

Do send Julie your favourite bible verses or hymn verses, names for prayer and any birthdays, celebrations or articles for inclusion in the bulletin. Julie can be contacted on 07756 918847 or administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk

Church Contacts

Churchwardens: Nick Tooby – 07951 925772 and Becky Crowe – 07875 552518

Parish Administrator: Julie Crow – 07756 918847

Bulletin – 30th July 2021

Church Bulletin

If you are not into the Olympic Games, please forgive me for continuing the Olympic theme from Monday, although I think some of the inspiring stories from the Tokyo Games reach far beyond sporting achievement.  We have been treated to so much emotion – tears of joy at unexpected success and tears of disappointment and even despair.  As well as the joy of winning  a plethora of medals  and rightful celebration that accompany that, Team GB has earned (or suffered!) a series of 4th places, evoking such comments as “4th place is the worst of all” or “Nobody wants to be 4th” = as if that were failure!  The burden of expectation, it seems, is immense.  How refreshing then to hear commentators and competitors say what a great achievement and privilege it is just to be selected to represent your country and to be there at the Games, let alone in a final.  Of course it is disappointing to come so close to a medal after 4 years or more of sacrifice, preparation and training and the initial false feeling that maybe one has let down all those who have helped and supported during that time.  And yet it has been so good to hear members of families and support teams in interview, affirming how proud they are of their loved ones and proteges for who and what they are and for giving their all. This was nowhere more evident than in the case of Helen Glover, the two-time gold medal winner, coming out of “retirement (?)” after producing twins, and her rowing partner, Polly Swan, recently qualified as a nurse, who has been volunteering her services to an overstretched NHS.  The dream of another gold, or indeed any medal, did not materialise for them, but, as Helen’s husband pointed out in interview, both Helen and Polly are so much more than their sporting prowess and achievements.  And both women have stressed the value of the lives, responsibilities and service that they devote outside sport.  We have also seen the evident distress of American champion gymnast and hottest of favourites for more golds, Simone Biles, as she withdrew both from team and individual events to “focus on her mental health”, because of the huge burden of expectation on her. Once again it is so gratifying and encouraging to learn of her comment posted on Twitter: “The outpouring of love and support I’ve received has made me realise I’m more than my accomplishments and gymnastics, which I never truly believed before”.  It is right to celebrate success  and achievement, but, with Rudyard Kipling, in his poem “IF”, we might do well to “meet with triumph and disaster, and treat those two imposters just the same”; or to acknowledge the common sentiment: “It is not the winning or losing that matters, but how you play the game” – in life as in sport.  For God knows each and every one of us better than we know ourselves and loves us all infinitely and unconditionally; He gave His Son Jesus to die for us and raised Him to life, so that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, He may be with us and we may know His love, comfort, peace and joy always.  St Paul says in his letter to the Corinthians:  “Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training.  They do it to get a prize that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.”  (1 Corinthians 9: 25) And it is a prize that is freely available to everybody.

Jeremy Thomas

Church Opening

The church is open for live worship every Sunday and for private prayer on Thursdays.

Due to limited seating, places may be reserved by contacting Julie on a first come, first served basis. As before, we urge you if you have an invitation not to forget and if you are suddenly unable to attend to let us know at the earliest possible moment. Face masks continue to be required. If you see anyone not wearing a face mask, it is because they have medical exemption. We are not allowing any other exception. It is imperative the rules are strictly adhered to. This means gelling hands immediately upon arrival, taking your pew straight away as directed by the steward including whether to sit by the wall or the aisle; not moving from your place at any point during the service; and leaving promptly afterwards.

To reserve a seat please contact Julie at administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk or 07756 918847.

After booking a seat, if you find that you are unable to attend a service please inform one of the churchwardens so that it can be offered to another person.

The current arrangements for attending church will remain in place after 19th July and until the PCC have met to consider the new Church of England guidance. A further update will be included in the bulletin.

Children’s Service – MANY PLACES LEFT!

Our next Children’s service will take place in church on Sunday 1st August. There are still lots of places left! Please book as soon as possible.

If you would like to reserve a place, please contact one of the churchwardens.

St Andrew’s ‘Rocks’  

This Summer we would like you to join us in designing and painting a rock on the theme ‘Why I love our Area’.

If you would like to paint a rock there will be a box outside the Church Entrance on Thursdays and Sundays throughout the Summer for you to pop your finished rocks in.

We will then display these rocks in our Rockery at the front of the Church to view and spread a little joy this Summer.

We can’t wait to see what you create!

If you have any further questions then feel free to contact our Youth Worker Emma on standrewscovyouth@gmail.com

Book Club

The next Book Club meeting will be on Tuesday 14th September at 7.30pm and the book we have chosen is: Who moved the Stone, by Frank Morrison.  A well-known book seller says this about the book: The classic text on examining the evidence for the Resurrection. Convinced that the story wasn’t true, Frank Morison started to write about Jesus’ last days. However, as he studied this crucial period something happened… First published in 1930, this is an exploration of what happened between the death of Jesus and the resurrection as recorded in the Bible. Writing this book changed Morison’s life.

Why not read it and join us to discuss what it says?

Any questions please contact Sue Masters.

Youth Work

We are looking to safer recruit volunteers for our Youth work. If you feel you could help with either the Drama Club, Rock Solid or the Youth Wellbeing course then please get in touch with Emma at standrewscovyouth@gmail.com 

Foodbank Donations

To donate to Central foodbank, Sue Barnes is coordinating this so please contact her to drop off food at her house. Contact Sue at susanbarnes1960@outlook.com

If you are unable to give food you can also donate online here: https://www.trusselltrust.org/rddonate-checkout/

Sunday Coffee Gathering

The access codes for the 11.15am Sunday gathering are available from the churchwardens.


To our churchwarden, Nick Tooby, who celebrated his birthday yesterday.

Sad News

Grace Latham, a long-standing member of the parish, passed away in hospital last weekend. Please pray for her family at this sad time.

Please Pray

For the next stage of the appointment process for our new vicar, Jo Joyce, and as she prepares to become our new vicar.

Do send Julie your favourite bible verses or hymn verses, names for prayer and any birthdays, celebrations or articles for inclusion in the bulletin. Julie can be contacted on 07756 918847 or administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk

Church Contacts

Churchwardens: Nick Tooby – 07951 925772 and Becky Crowe – 07875 552518

Parish Administrator: Julie Crow – 07756 918847

Children’s Service – MANY PLACES LEFT!

Children’s Service – MANY PLACES LEFT!

Our next Children’s service will take place in church this Sunday, 1st August. There are still lots of places left! Please book as soon as possible.

If you would like to reserve a place, please contact one of the Julie or one of the churchwardens.

Church Contacts

Churchwardens: Nick Tooby – 07951 925772 and Becky Crowe – 07875 552518

Parish Administrator: Julie Crow – 07756 918847

Bulletin – 26th July 2021

Church Bulletin

From their very beginning, about 3000 years ago in Olympia in Greece, the Olympic Games have set the standard for athleticism, characterised by equal opportunities, fair play and good sportsmanship.  In ancient times, a truce was declared throughout the Greek world for the duration of the games; participants took an oath before Zeus, king of the gods, and Olympic victors were crowned with an olive wreath, rather than winning medals, bringing lasting honour to their family and city-state, while cheats were punished with heavy fines or a beating and brought eternal shame on their family and city. Competitors performed naked (except in the chariot races) and women were barred from the Games! Some things change with time – and it is right that they should. But in the modern Olympics (established since Athens 1896), the ancient ideals still stand, and all athletes go to the Games in a spirit of peace and respect for all competitors, regardless of race, colour or creed, and still take an oath to that effect. The 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo are unique, in that they have been postponed and are being held largely in the absence of spectators; in Japan, there has been huge opposition to their being held at all because of the pandemic affecting the whole world and the alarming rise in infection rates and shortfall of vaccination in the country.  And yet they are going ahead, and indeed have already thrown up their usual mix of heroic endeavour, extraordinary achievements, surprise victories, disappointments and deep human emotion, all of which tend to capture world-wide interest and have brought many of the Japanese people themselves onto the streets and into parks to catch a glimpse of whatever they can – and we are all no doubt buoyed by the success of our national heroes!  As I watched the Opening Ceremony on TV last Friday lunchtime, while amazed at the spectacle of it all, what impressed me most was the change that was announced to the Olympic motto “Faster, higher, stronger”.  I think it was the President of the Olympic Committee who proclaimed that in our world today, we can best achieve “Faster, higher, stronger, TOGETHER”.  St Paul often used the imagery of the games when he said “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4: 7) and “Since we are surrounded by such a great crowd of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.  And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” (Hebrews 12: 1).  He also talks about all being members of one body in Christ, each one different and with different gifts, but each one of us wonderfully made, equally loved, individually valued and essential to the whole.  Praise the Lord.

“For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same functions, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.”  (Romans 12: 4-5)   
Jeremy Thomas


At our service yesterday, we were delighted to announce that further to the interview process which we conducted for our next vicar, the Reverend Joanna (Jo) Joyce, currently Curate at St. Paul’s Stockingford, will be our next vicar.  We have yet to confirm details of the licensing service but will let you know as soon as they become available.  Please pray for Rev’d Jo as she prepares to leave her current church to serve our church and community here.

Church Opening

The church is open for live worship every Sunday and for private prayer on Thursdays.

Due to limited seating, places may be reserved by contacting Julie on a first come, first served basis. As before, we urge you if you have an invitation not to forget and if you are suddenly unable to attend to let us know at the earliest possible moment. Face masks continue to be required. If you see anyone not wearing a face mask, it is because they have medical exemption. We are not allowing any other exception. It is imperative the rules are strictly adhered to. This means gelling hands immediately upon arrival, taking your pew straight away as directed by the steward including whether to sit by the wall or the aisle; not moving from your place at any point during the service; and leaving promptly afterwards.

To reserve a seat please contact Julie at administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk or 07756 918847.

After booking a seat, if you find that you are unable to attend a service please inform one of the churchwardens so that it can be offered to another person.

The current arrangements for attending church will remain in place after 19th July and until the PCC have met to consider the new Church of England guidance. A further update will be included in the bulletin.

Children’s Service – BOOK NOW – MANY PLACES LEFT!

Our next Children’s service will take place in church on Sunday 1st August. There are still lots of places left! Please book as soon as possible.

 If you would like to reserve a place, please contact Julie on 07756 918847 or administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk

St Andrew’s ‘Rocks’  

This Summer we would like you to join us in designing and painting a rock on the theme ‘Why I love our Area’.

If you would like to paint a rock there will be a box outside the Church Entrance on Thursdays and Sundays throughout the Summer for you to pop your finished rocks in.

We will then display these rocks in our Rockery at the front of the Church to view and spread a little joy this Summer.

We can’t wait to see what you create!

If you have any further questions then feel free to contact our Youth Worker Emma on standrewscovyouth@gmail.com

Please Pray

For the next stage of the appointment process for our new vicar, Jo Joyce, and for Jo as she prepares to become our new vicar.

Do send Julie your favourite bible verses or hymn verses, names for prayer and any birthdays, celebrations or articles for inclusion in the bulletin. Julie can be contacted on 07756 918847 or administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk

Church Contacts

Churchwardens: Nick Tooby – 07951 925772 and Becky Crowe – 07875 552518

Parish Administrator: Julie Crow – 07756 918847

Bulletin – 23rd July 2021

Church Bulletin

So today is another hot sunny day and we can expect to feel rather uncomfortable as the heat and humidity increases and we attempt to keep our homes as cool as possible – windows and curtains closed on the sunny side and wide open in the shade.   A cunning plan that my friend and I have discovered during the height of the heat, is to go to the café in the nearest air conditioned store –  very refreshing.  That, of course, is not possible for all and I remember, only to well, what it is like to have to work as the perspiration pours.

A couple of days ago, a friend mentioned how she had been on-line to explore the possibility of installing air conditioning in her home, surprisingly not as prohibitive as one would think.  Her logic was that it was likely that we would continue to experience such extremes of heat in the future and, as a person who had spent a large chunk of her life in America, it made sense.  She may be right and that is where the future lies.  It amuses me when this friend reminisces about her time in America and tells me how cold everyone was in the air-conditioned offices, to the extent of having to wear woollens inside and take off the layers when going outside.  It can be a funny old world!

My joy during these hot summer days has been having my breakfast on my shady patio, walking in shady woods and sitting outside reading during the cool of the evening.  Possibility for doing such in our climate is comparatively rare so these are gifts to be appreciated and much enjoyed and I do.

That reminds me of how generous our God is.  He has this amazing knack of providing silver linings during difficult times.   

“The Lord is good to all; He has compassion on all he has made.”  Psalm 145; 9

Lesley Lee

Church Opening

The church is open for live worship every Sunday and for private prayer on Thursdays.

Due to limited seating, places may be reserved by contacting Julie on a first come, first served basis. As before, we urge you if you have an invitation not to forget and if you are suddenly unable to attend to let us know at the earliest possible moment. Face masks continue to be required. If you see anyone not wearing a face mask, it is because they have medical exemption. We are not allowing any other exception. It is imperative the rules are strictly adhered to. This means gelling hands immediately upon arrival, taking your pew straight away as directed by the steward including whether to sit by the wall or the aisle; not moving from your place at any point during the service; and leaving promptly afterwards.

To reserve a seat please contact Julie at administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk or 07756 918847.

After booking a seat, if you find that you are unable to attend a service please inform one of the churchwardens so that it can be offered to another person.

The current arrangements for attending church will remain in place after 19th July and until the PCC have met to consider the new Church of England guidance. A further update will be included in the bulletin.

Children’s Service

Our next Children’s service will take place in church on Sunday 1st August. If you would like to reserve a place, please contact Julie on 07756 918847 or administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk

St Andrew’s ‘Rocks’  

This Summer we would like you to join us in designing and painting a rock on the theme ‘Why I love our Area’.

If you would like to paint a rock there will be a box outside the Church Entrance on Thursdays and Sundays throughout the Summer for you to pop your finished rocks in.

We will then display these rocks in our Rockery at the front of the Church to view and spread a little joy this Summer.

We can’t wait to see what you create!

If you have any further questions then feel free to contact our Youth Worker Emma on standrewscovyouth@gmail.com

Book Club

The next Book Club meeting will be on Tuesday 14th September at 7.30pm and the book we have chosen is: Who moved the Stone, by Frank Morrison.  A well-known book seller says this about the book: The classic text on examining the evidence for the Resurrection. Convinced that the story wasn’t true, Frank Morison started to write about Jesus’ last days. However, as he studied this crucial period something happened… First published in 1930, this is an exploration of what happened between the death of Jesus and the resurrection as recorded in the Bible. Writing this book changed Morison’s life.

Why not read it and join us to discuss what it says?

Any questions please contact Sue Masters.

Youth Work

We are looking to safer recruit volunteers for our Youth work. If you feel you could help with either the Drama Club, Rock Solid or the Youth Wellbeing course then please get in touch with Emma at standrewscovyouth@gmail.com 

Foodbank Donations

To donate to Central foodbank, Sue Barnes is coordinating this so please contact her to drop off food at her house. Contact Sue at susanbarnes1960@outlook.com

If you are unable to give food you can also donate online here: https://www.trusselltrust.org/rddonate-checkout/

Sunday Coffee Gathering

Please note that there will be no coffee gathering this Sunday.

Please Pray

For the next stage of the appointment process for our new vicar.

Do send Julie your favourite bible verses or hymn verses, names for prayer and any birthdays, celebrations or articles for inclusion in the bulletin. Julie can be contacted on 07756 918847 or administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk

Church Contacts

Churchwardens: Nick Tooby – 07951 925772 and Becky Crowe – 07875 552518

Parish Administrator: Julie Crow – 07756 918847

Bulletin – 19th July 2021

Church Bulletin

I waited until the cool of the evening before taking my walk yesterday and decided to take a different route to usual.  As I turned a corner, I noticed a family group enjoying the last remnants of the sunshine.  They had a large paddling pool and the children were obviously thoroughly enjoying themselves.  As I walked past, one of the boys called out to the others.  “Let’s change the game now.  We won’t have any rules!

I smiled wryly to myself thinking, “Well, that sums up the situation rather well.” because, today, as Covid restrictions are eased, it does feel as if someone has said just that, “Let’s change the game now.  We won’t have rules anymore.”

There is, of course, a condition to this no rules idea.  We are expected to behave responsibly and take sensible precautions.  I’m sure that we are only too happy to do that.  True we are hungry for normality – to be able to fill our church without the 2 metre rule and to sing hymns at the top of our voices would be wonderful.  Are we ready for that yet?  I suspect not.  We need to ‘behave responsibly and take sensible precautions’. 

This, in keeping with recommendations from our Diocese, is something the PCC will need to consider and one of those situations where it will not be possible to please everyone.  The range of our opinions is diverse.  Some of us with a ‘Let’s bite the bullet approach and get on with it.’  Some of us who live in fear for their loved ones or themselves and are really not ready for change yet – and, then, there are all sorts of opinions in between. 

We, as Christians, however, do have a vital advantage.  We have a faith and we are able to feel the power of God’s love and protection. We are able to say those beautiful words from Psalm 27:

“The Lord is my light and my salvation –
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life –
Of whom shall I be afraid?”

Whatever decision is agreed, it will be prayerfully considered but, meanwhile, let us hold our leadership team and the PCC in prayer and thank our Lord Jesus for His guidance as to the way forward.

Lesley Lee

Church Opening

The church is open for live worship every Sunday and for private prayer on Thursdays.

Due to limited seating, places may be reserved by contacting Julie on a first come, first served basis. As before, we urge you if you have an invitation not to forget and if you are suddenly unable to attend to let us know at the earliest possible moment. Face masks continue to be required. If you see anyone not wearing a face mask, it is because they have medical exemption. We are not allowing any other exception. It is imperative the rules are strictly adhered to. This means gelling hands immediately upon arrival, taking your pew straight away as directed by the steward including whether to sit by the wall or the aisle; not moving from your place at any point during the service; and leaving promptly afterwards.

To reserve a seat please contact Julie at administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk or 07756 918847.

After booking a seat, if you find that you are unable to attend a service, please inform one of the churchwardens so that it can be offered to another person.

The current arrangements for attending church will remain in place after 19th July and until the PCC have met to consider the new Church of England guidance. A further update will be included in the bulletin.

Children’s Service

Our next Children’s service will take place in church on Sunday 1st August. If you would like to reserve a place, please contact Julie on 07756 918847 or administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk

St Andrew’s ‘Rocks’  

This Summer we would like you to join us in designing and painting a rock on the theme ‘Why I love our Area’.

If you would like to paint a rock there will be a box outside the Church Entrance on Thursdays and Sundays throughout the Summer for you to pop your finished rocks in.

We will then display these rocks in our Rockery at the front of the Church to view and spread a little joy this Summer.

We can’t wait to see what you create!

If you have any further questions then feel free to contact our Youth Worker Emma on standrewscovyouth@gmail.com

Building Our Faith

Zoom access details are available from Sue Masters.

Youth Work

We are looking to safer recruit volunteers for our Youth work. If you feel you could help with either the Drama Club, Rock Solid or the Youth Wellbeing course then please get in touch with Emma at standrewscovyouth@gmail.com 

Please Pray

For the next stage of the appointment process for our new vicar. Please also pray for the Leadership Team and the PCC as they meet to consider the options for the church following the government changes effective from today.

Below is a hymn shared by Terri Beales remembering school days and the school life shared:

Lord dismiss us with thy blessing
Thanks for mercies past receive
Pardon all, their faults confessing
Time that’s lost may all retrieve
May thy children
Ne’er again thy Spirit grieve.

Let thy Father-hand be shielding
All who here shall meet no more;
May thy seed-time past be yielding
Year by year a richer store
Those returning
Make more faithful than before.

Do send Julie your favourite bible verses or hymn verses, names for prayer and any birthdays, celebrations or articles for inclusion in the bulletin. Julie can be contacted on 07756 918847 or administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk

Church Contacts

Churchwardens: Nick Tooby – 07951 925772 and Becky Crowe – 07875 552518

Parish Administrator: Julie Crow – 07756 918847

Bulletin – 16th July 2021

Church Bulletin

It has been a busy time recently, and while I love to be busy a day away from the laptop and the list of things to do was calling. So, yesterday we went to a National Trust property in Northamptonshire. As we drove along the A46 we hit a long queue of traffic that didn’t move and that threatened to disrupt the day. We crawled along for a while and then my trusted driver took a detour from the Sat-Nag route and we ended up driving along lovely country roads with no other traffic and beautiful views. We were on roads we hadn’t driven before and we saw only four other cars in the whole time we drove this route, until we parked at the National Trust Property.

Once there we meandered through the beautiful formal gardens, and walked out into the deserted parklands, although only part of them because the sheep were loitering and there was a warning about cows! My love of nature only goes so far. After the obligatory coffee and cake, we sat in the formal gardens and it was so nice to just sit and be still, to look at the scenery and people watch. It felt like a while since I had done that and it reminded me of the need for all of us to take time out to rest, reflect and restore. We did have a chat about our Wednesday evening Bible study and the questions it had thrown up, and also about small groups in general, so maybe not a complete switch off!  But time nevertheless to reflect and to just be still. On the way home we stopped at a canal-side hostelry and sat again while enjoying a glass of something nice.

I know we are very fortunate that we are able to do this, and despite the fact my head tells me I am 20 years younger than I actually am, this is a benefit of having become a ‘concession’.

The Bible tells us about Sabbath, a time set aside, to come close to God, but also a time to rest, to regenerate. We need to remember this and take time to breathe, to look around us and to enjoy the moment and the place we are in.  Our gospel reading for this Sunday tells us of Jesus’ encouraging  His disciples to do just this. As the disciples return to Jesus, after a time of teaching and healing among the people, the gospel tells us: Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” (Mark 6: 31).  Jesus encouraging time for rest and refreshment, for rebuilding and renewal. Their rest didn’t last long as people perused Jesus and the disciples for more teaching, but the principle was established of the need for time without activity, that can be good for the body and the soul.

Sue Masters

Church Opening

The church is open for live worship every Sunday and for private prayer on Thursdays.

Due to limited seating, places may be reserved by contacting Julie on a first come, first served basis. As before, we urge you if you have an invitation not to forget and if you are suddenly unable to attend to let us know at the earliest possible moment. Face masks continue to be required. If you see anyone not wearing a face mask, it is because they have medical exemption. We are not allowing any other exception. It is imperative the rules are strictly adhered to. This means gelling hands immediately upon arrival, taking your pew straight away as directed by the steward including whether to sit by the wall or the aisle; not moving from your place at any point during the service; and leaving promptly afterwards.

To reserve a seat please contact Julie at administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk or 07756 918847.

After booking a seat, if you find that you are unable to attend a service please inform one of the churchwardens so that it can be offered to another person.

The current arrangements for attending church will remain in place after 19th July and until the PCC have met to consider the new Church of England guidance. A further update will be included in the bulletin.

Children’s Service on 1st August

Our next Children’s service will take place in church on Sunday 1st August a 10am. If you would like to reserve a place, please contact Julie on 07756 918847 or administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk

Activities for 50+ at Eastern Green Village Hall

Please see the enclosed poster with activities at Eastern Green Village Hall.

50 Plus Whats On 1

St Andrew’s ‘Rocks’  

This Summer we would like you to join us in designing and painting a rock on the theme ‘Why I love our Area’.

If you would like to paint a rock there will be a box outside the Church Entrance on Thursdays and Sundays throughout the Summer for you to pop your finished rocks in.

We will then display these rocks in our Rockery at the front of the Church to view and spread a little joy this Summer.

We can’t wait to see what you create!

If you have any further questions then feel free to contact our Youth Worker Emma on standrewscovyouth@gmail.com

Book Club

The next Book Club meeting will be on Tuesday 14th September at 7.30pm and the book we have chosen is: Who moved the Stone, by Frank Morrison.  A well-known book seller says this about the book: The classic text on examining the evidence for the Resurrection. Convinced that the story wasn’t true, Frank Morison started to write about Jesus’ last days. However, as he studied this crucial period something happened… First published in 1930, this is an exploration of what happened between the death of Jesus and the resurrection as recorded in the Bible. Writing this book changed Morison’s life.

Why not read it and join us to discuss what it says?

Any questions please contact Sue Masters.

Foodbank Donations

To donate to Central foodbank, Sue Barnes is coordinating this so please contact her to drop off food at her house. Contact Sue at susanbarnes1960@outlook.com

If you are unable to give food you can also donate online here: https://www.trusselltrust.org/rddonate-checkout/

Sunday Coffee Gathering

The access codes for the 11.15am Sunday gathering are available from the churchwardens.

Please Pray

For the next stage of the appointment process for our new vicar.

Do send Julie your favourite bible verses or hymn verses, names for prayer and any birthdays, celebrations or articles for inclusion in the bulletin. Julie can be contacted on 07756 918847 or administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk

Church Contacts

Churchwardens: Nick Tooby – 07951 925772 and Becky Crowe – 07875 552518

Parish Administrator: Julie Crow – 07756 918847

Bulletin – 12th July 2021

Church Bulletin

I wanted this bulletin to be a football free zone but I know I am in a minority of those not interested in the football. According to one national newspaper today, 35 million people watched the football on TV last night, along I expect with the hours of commentary before and after the match. I was even present in our living room for the penalties, although I was doing a sudoku as well. After much anticipation and excitement peoples hopes were crushed and there were many tears shed.

Huge crowds gathered everywhere, wanting to be part of something big, people excited, hopeful, drawn together. In Coventry City centre yesterday the new Assembly Festival Gardens were setting up for an evening of football and there were many people wearing the England colours, some carrying boxes of alcoholic beverages, in preparation and anticipation of the evening to come. All wanting to be part of this moment.

Huge crowds followed Jesus too as he went about from town to town speaking about the kingdom of God. People gathering together, drawn by him, wanting to be part of this new future that He spoke of; people filled with hope and excitement. The hope we have is Jesus, a hope that is offered to all and which does not fail or fade.

How can we as 21st century disciples encourage and excite people about Jesus and attract people in the way the sports events have in the last month? The commentaries from those close to the event, the chatter among the excited followers an example perhaps to us as we seek to make Jesus known.

Our project to live stream services may be a one of the ways to introduce the kingdom of God to our neighbourhood and a catalyst for people talking about God. And we all can gossip the gospel, encouraging others to come close to Jesus, the source of our hope and expectation.

‘Go into the world. Go everywhere and announce the Message of God’s good news to one and all.’ (Mark 16: 15; The Message translation).

Sue Masters

Church Opening

The church is open for live worship every Sunday and for private prayer on Thursdays.

Due to limited seating, places may be reserved by contacting Julie on a first come, first served basis. As before, we urge you if you have an invitation not to forget and if you are suddenly unable to attend to let us know at the earliest possible moment. Face masks continue to be required. If you see anyone not wearing a face mask, it is because they have medical exemption. We are not allowing any other exception. It is imperative the rules are strictly adhered to. This means gelling hands immediately upon arrival, taking your pew straight away as directed by the steward including whether to sit by the wall or the aisle; not moving from your place at any point during the service; and leaving promptly afterwards.

To reserve a seat please contact Julie at administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk or 07756 918847.

After booking a seat, if you find that you are unable to attend a service please inform one of the churchwardens so that it can be offered to another person.

Covid Updates

We await the Prime Minister’s announcement later today about the next step on the road map and the changes expected on 19th July. Our leadership team will be meeting tonight to discuss the plans for the future so please hold us in prayer.

In the meantime, the message from Coventry Health team is;

·         Rates across the city are still continuing to see a rise. There is good availability for everyone across the city to get LFT home testing kits, these are for those that are not displaying symptoms. Testing yourself twice a week allows you to keep your family, friends, work colleagues safe when mixing. There are a range of ways you can access testing kits (order online, pop in to a local registered pharmacy, attend a community testing site in the city), head to the website to find out;


·         PCR vs LFT tests – a gentle reminder of the difference between PCR and LFT tests. If you are not displaying any symptoms of COVID19 then you are encouraged to use LFT (lateral flow tests) as it helps identify cases that may go unnoticed but still be spreading across the community (see above of ways to access these tests). PCR tests are for those that are displaying symptoms of COVID19 – you must book this through the national booking system. Those that have also been notified as a close contact to a COVID9 case will now also be required to go for a PCR test- https://www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test 

See below attachment regarding mask wearing.

Book Club

Tuesday 13th July 7.30pm on zoom.

Zoom access details:

870 9541 3079

Password: 379324

Building Our Faith

Wednesday 13th July at 7.30pm looking at the parable of The Prodigal Son. Lesley will be leading us as we loom together at this parable.

Zoom access details:

812 4505 0020

Password: 295068

St Andrew’s ‘Rocks’

This Summer we would like you to join us in designing and painting a rock on the theme ‘Why I love our Area’.

If you would like to paint a rock there will be a box outside the Church Entrance on Thursdays and Sundays throughout the Summer for you to pop your finished rocks in.

We will then display these rocks in our Rockery at the front of the Church to view and spread a little joy this Summer.

We can’t wait to see what you create!

If you have any further questions then feel free to contact our Youth Worker Emma on standrewscovyouth@gmail.com

Children’s Books

Aldermoor Farm school have really depleted stocks of children’s books in their library. Many have disappeared and funding is now low to restock. Please could I ask people to hunt in their cupboards for any age children’s books please they no longer require.  I am happy to collect from anyone kind enough to donate. Please ring me, Linda Chylinski, on 07962 028625. Thank you.

Youth Work

We are looking to safer recruit volunteers for our Youth work. If you feel you could help with either the Drama Club, Rock Solid or the Youth Wellbeing course then please get in touch with Emma at standrewscovyouth@gmail.com

Please Pray

For the next stage of the appointment process for our new vicar.


Today Veronika and Jackie Page celebrate their birthdays; we wish them, and anyone else with a birthday this week, a very happy birthday.

Do send Julie your favourite bible verses or hymn verses, names for prayer and any birthdays, celebrations or articles for inclusion in the bulletin. Julie can be contacted on 07756 918847 or administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk

Church Contacts

Churchwardens: Nick Tooby – 07951 925772 and Becky Crowe – 07875 552518

Parish Administrator: Julie Crow – 07756 918847