Home Groups



A Disciple is a follower, a believer a learner. When we talk about discipleship it is about the act of following; it’s as simple as that and discipleship is part of what a home group is about.

Discipleship is about being traveller on a journey with Christ as we walk with Him and with our fellow disciples.  What does it mean to follow Jesus?  What does discipleship involve? Matthew’s gospel (Chapter 13) tells us of the mustard seed, the tiniest of seeds and how it has the potential to grow into such a big tree. This parable of Jesus, this likening one thing to another, the mustard seed to the kingdom of God spoke to the disciples of Jesus then and speaks to us now. The gardeners among us will understand this concept.

As followers of Jesus we are part of His kingdom and to grow like the mustard seed we need to be nurtured. The tree grows with roots that go deep and with branches that spread wide, branches that reach into our communities that offer rest and shelter and protection to us and to others.

What has all this got to do with home groups you might be asking. Well we feel that home groups, small groups, are the place to nurture this growth, to feed each other and to be a place of shelter and protection as we explore our place in the kingdom of God and God’s plan for our lives within his kingdom.

Home groups at St. Andrew’s have three key strands as they seek to be places where people connect with each other and with God as we:

  • grow in faith
  • give and receive pastoral care
  • reach out to others with Christ’s love

As disciples of Jesus, home groups are a safe and secure environment where we can grow and develop, where weeds that strangle our growth and storms that buffet us are worked through with people who care about each other, who walk with us on the path that we follow. Home groups are a way of going deeper with God and with each other, of increasing our knowledge of the Bible and supporting and encouraging our journeys of faith.

The Spirit of God is at work here in St. Andrew’s and our church is planted in our community as a growing living thing. As followers of Christ being part of a small group is an important part of growing and spreading the kingdom.

You may be very new to church you may have been part of our church family for as long as you can remember, home groups are for all. We learn from each other, we develop and grow through sharing and enquiring and there is always something new to learn. You may think you don’t know enough to come to a group and share, you may feel you have done it before and can’t find anything new in a group. Maybe you are not confident to talk about your faith, to ask questions, to challenge things? Home groups are a space to do that in a spirit of love and support, where confidentiality is important and where everyone’s contribution is central to the life of the group. They are not a teaching session where we listen to a talk and go home, they are a collaborative, caring nurturing place where the kingdom of God breaks in and breaks out.

Why not try it?

Every one of us is important to God; we are all chosen by God and loved by God. I invite you to step out, come and grow your faith who knows where your branch will reach into.

If you want to know more please speak with me or email me.

Sue Masters, Home Group Coordinator,  07958322026, susanmasters@sky.com