Bulletin – 17th September 2021

Church Bulletin

So, another step on the path towards ‘normality’ is taking place and as you will see from Becky’s announcement below, next Sunday, 19th September, will be our last recorded service.  It is a bit of a watershed moment and causes me to look back to those early weeks of Lockdown when Greg and the wonderful IT Team: Paul, Steve and Vicky agreed that it would be possible to put our service on YouTube in order that St Andrew’s could continue to meet virtually in our homes. 

Of course, to do that, certain requirements had to be in place.  Most importantly was the possession of a smart phone on which we could record our input whether leading, preaching, reading or praying.  I had an iPhone and though it was fairly old, it had that capacity.  Dutifully, I wrote my scripts and then went about the process of recording.  How was I to do that?  Those of you who have participated in this exercise will understand only too well the challenge of finding the right place for standing the phone or the tablet; there was the necessity to have it at the right height and angle.  Not easy.  Recording was often an amusing or frustrating exercise in itself: one could be so near the end and then misread or mispronounce, sometimes quite hilariously; having a fit of coughing, having the phone ring just at the wrong time, only to discover that it was some cruel fraudulent person telling you that huge amounts of money had been sent to Amazon.  I know I was not alone in these frustrations.  At one point Nick suggested that we put together all our out-takes for your amusement.  And yes, you would have been amused!

Secondly, we needed to be able to transfer the recording.  WeTransfer was recommended.  Ah!  There was the rub.  My Wi-Fi is weak and had a very poor relationship with WeTransfer.  In those early days, I spent hours trying to transfer my recording only to have it ‘die’ at the last minute.  Fortunately, WhatsApp came to my rescue and I found I was able to transfer using that much more easily and reliably – until it came to my sermons.  You will appreciate that IT is not my strength. I was to learn the hard way that WhatsApp was happy with up to 3 minute long recordings but did not seem to have capacity for longer.  Later, I discovered that there was a way of recording the whole and using WhatsApp tools to divide it into sections.  It was a steep learning curve.  Our lovely Technicians were amazingly patient and supportive but, I suspect, were tested to their limits. Thank you to Paul, Steve and Vicky.  You were and are incredible! 

Thank you, too, to all who have contributed your wonderful readings.  Sue, Nick, Becky, Lynette and I  understand only too well the pain barriers that you may have traversed during this operation. Thank you, Di (and in their absence – Daniel and Kirsty).  How much more challenging it must have been for you with the additional element of music and song to take into account.  I’m sure that I am not alone in appreciating your wonderful talent, faithfulness and hard work.

Thank you, too, to all of you who have ‘tuned in’ during the past 18 months.  In those early days we had over a hundred in attendance and our St. Andrew’s family was able to meet and worship together and though it was not ‘Church’ as we knew it – it was Church!  Just lately numbers have diminished substantially.  Last week very few attended on line but we had over 30 in attendance at St Andrew’s Church building.  With Di at the organ playing the music to the litany and we able to sing –  with our masks on, it seemed to me, that it was very close to ‘Church’ as we knew it – a wonderful time of worshipping our Lord and God! 

Of course, we are not out of the woods yet so I finish with some words from Thomas Merton.  You may be interested to know that he wrote these words in 1956.:

“We live in a time of great uncertainty.  In fact, has there ever been a time of certainty in my life?  I don’t think there ever has.  But I know that I’m no different from anyone else, that there is never certainty in the things of this world, and there is a sure footing in only faith and hope and the love of God.  I don’t face these uncertainties alone.  I know.  I may not be able to see where I am going, but that doesn’t mean I cannot see You, and follow You.  (Thoughts in Solitude – Thomas Merton)

Lesley Lee,  Reader

Church Guidelines

The PCC met on Monday 2nd August and have agreed the following changes which will be reviewed regularly.

People are requested to:

  • use the sanitiser when entering church.
  • Social distance
  • Use a face covering when in church.
  • Singing – will now be allowed but requested to be done behind a face covering.
  • Move to a 1 metre distance – therefore all pews will be open, but only 2 people (related or formally in a bubble) are allowed to sit in each pew. People will be asked to sit at the opposite end of the pew from the people in the pew in front/behind. This is to achieve the 1 metre social distance. 
  • Upstairs will now be open on Sundays to increase capacity.
  • If people, due to mobility or preference, wish to sit downstairs for the Sunday service you will need to contact Julie to book a place. Otherwise, the booking arrangements will be suspended, and people will be seated on a first come first served basis, utilising both the main body of the church and upstairs. The capacity of the church will be 60 people.
  • People will still be encouraged to record via the track and trace app.
  • We will continue with the current arrangements for sharing the peace.
  • Communion – will be administered in the pews as now. We will follow the option to administer the bread only at this time. We will request that people continue to wear a face covering when receiving Communion to protect both themselves and visiting clergy.
  • Coffee will not be available after any service at this stage.
  • The online service will continue to support those who are not able to return currently.
  • Wednesday Service Wednesday service at 10:00am will start again from the 18th August.
  • Life Events Weddings/Baptisms/Funerals The church can accommodate 68 people utilising upstairs and downstairs and choir stalls. The number able to attend will be at the discretion of the person officiating at the service. Singing will be requested to be undertaken behind face coverings.

As you can imagine trying to get the balance right is very difficult, but we will keep the guidance under review. We will continue to take our steer from the Church of England and Public Health England guidance to make sure that we are keeping us all as safe as possible.

The church will continue to open on Thursdays and Sundays from 9am until 5pm.

Nick Tooby – Churchwarden
On behalf of the PCC

Online Service & Bulletin

The PCC met on Monday 13th September and has agreed that the online service will come to an end from this Sunday (19th September). The online service has been a great way for us as a church to meet together during the pandemic. We are so grateful for the IT team who have worked continuously during the pandemic putting the online services together (all working fulltime), all the readers, leaders and preachers who have made it possible for us to worship throughout. It was also agreed that the bulletin would reduce to once a week with it being sent out on a Friday starting from next week.

Becky Crowe – Churchwarden
On behalf of the PCC


The parish administrator is now on holiday until Monday 20th September. For any church bookings or urgent enquiries please contact Becky Crowe, church warden, on 07875 552518.

Church Opening Times.

Reminder that the church is open for private prayer on Thursday (9am – 5am) and after the service on Sunday until 6pm.

Annual Sponsored Walk

Good luck to our wonderful, sponsored walkers who will be walking around the six churches of the Pontesbury and Stipertones tomorrow (20 miles). Its not too late to sponsor Selina, Veronika and Lin (and anyone else who would like to join them).

How do you sponsor:

Please support this worthy cause, as over the past 18 months due to the ongoing pandemic, we have been unable to continue with many of our fundraising events and the money donated will continue to support the work of our church. Thank you all.     

Lin Chylinski

 Wednesday Service

Our Wednesday Service has now resumed and commences weekly at 10am. Everyone welcome. There is no need to reserve a seat.

Church Volunteers

This is a reminder that anyone who volunteers for a role at St Andrew’s, whether paid or unpaid, must be safely recruited and may also require a DBS check. St Andrew’s are proud to abide by the regulations stipulated by the diocese to ensure the safety of all as far as we possibly can. 

If you have a role, or volunteered for a role within the church and have not been safely recruited please contact either Julie Crow (Parish Administrator) or Linda Chylinksi (Parish Safeguarding Officer) immediately. The contact details are:

Parish Administrator: Julie Crow – 07756 918847 or administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk

Parish Safeguarding Officer: Linda Chylinski – 024 7646 8535 

Sidespersons Rota

We are looking to resume a sidespersons rota for Sunday services. If you are willing to do sidesperson duty please let Julie or one of the churchwardens know.

Please note that each individual will need to be safely recruited for this role. We will need a short application form completing and contact details to obtain 2 references. A DBS check will not be required for this role.

Flower Rota Coordinator

Ann Dove, having done the role for several years, is standing down as Flower Rota Coordinator. We are now looking to recruit a volunteer to take over the role. If you would like more information and a copy of the job description, please contact Julie on 07756 918847 or administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk.

Please note that you will need to be safely recruited for this role. We will need a short application form completing and contact details to obtain 2 references. A DBS check will not be required for this role.

Book Club

The next Book Club meeting will be on Tuesday 14th September at 7.30pm and the book we have chosen is: Who moved the Stone, by Frank Morrison.  A well-known book seller says this about the book: The classic text on examining the evidence for the Resurrection. Convinced that the story wasn’t true, Frank Morison started to write about Jesus’ last days. However, as he studied this crucial period something happened… First published in 1930, this is an exploration of what happened between the death of Jesus and the resurrection as recorded in the Bible. Writing this book changed Morison’s life.

Why not read it and join us to discuss what it says?

Any questions please contact Sue Masters.


Our Wednesday evening Bible  Study and fellowship resumes on Wednesday 15th September at 7.30pm on Zoom.  We will be looking at Old Testament characters over the next few weeks and everyone is welcome to join us.

The zoom joining details are:

812 4505 0020

Passcode: 295068

If you have not joined us before you are very welcome. If you have any questions please  contact me.

Sue Masters

Youth Work

We are looking to safer recruit volunteers for our Youth work. If you feel you could help with either the Drama Club, Rock Solid or the Youth Wellbeing course then please get in touch with Emma at standrewscovyouth@gmail.com 

Foodbank Donations

To donate to Central foodbank, Sue Barnes is coordinating this so please contact her to drop off food at her house. Contact Sue at susanbarnes1960@outlook.com

If you are unable to give food you can also donate online here: https://www.trusselltrust.org/rddonate-checkout/


We just took this picture of Ella and thought we’d send it over. She is with a rose from the tree we received as one of our leaving gifts!
Just to say we are all doing well and settling in to life down south.  Its great to be closer to parents and other family in both sides and we’ve been taking advantage of that with lots of visits.

Phil & Anne

Do send Julie your favourite bible verses or hymn verses, names for prayer and any birthdays, celebrations or articles for inclusion in the bulletin. Julie can be contacted on 07756 918847 or administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk

Church Contacts

Churchwardens: Nick Tooby – 07951 925772 and Becky Crowe – 07875 552518

Parish Administrator: Julie Crow – 07756 918847

Parish Safeguarding Officer and Children’s Advocate: Linda Chylinski – 024 7646 8535 

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