Bulletin – 10th May 2021

Church Bulletin

Why is it that as you get older you seem to have less patience! I have found myself in that space over this last week. I say the last week, but I can hear Tracy, my wife, and all those who know me crying out “you, have patience, never!”. Apparently, it’s not something I’ve ever been blessed with. This week has been one of those weeks where I seem to be constantly chasing companies and organisations to get something done. At every turn you think you’ve got it sorted, then something else changes and nothing gets done or resolved. It’s felt like I’ve been playing the arcade game “Whack a mole”. Where a plastic mole pops up from holes and the player hits them wildly with a mallet, only to find another one pops up somewhere else.

I felt myself expressing my frustration to Tracy. “this is ridiculous I haven’t got time for this rubbish, why can’t people just do what they promise” To which she replied” well is your life better or worse now than when you were at work?” A good question, I thought.

At times we get caught up in the here and now, life comes at us like that at times, and we struggle to take a step back. We get frustrated that things haven’t happened in our timescales or in the way we want them to. Perhaps it’s felt like you have been waiting forever for something to change – for a new direction in a career, for a relationship to be restored, for an opportunity to move away from a difficult situation. The Psalmist reminds us …..” I wait patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry” Psalm 40 vs1.

Nick Tooby

Church Opening

The church is now open for live worship every Sunday and for private prayer on Thursdays.

Due to limited seating, places may be reserved by contacting Julie on a first come, first served basis. As before, we urge you if you have an invitation not to forget and if you are suddenly unable to attend to let us know at the earliest possible moment. Face masks continue to be required. If you see anyone not wearing a face mask, it is because they have medical exemption. We are not allowing any other exception. It is imperative the rules are strictly adhered to. This means gelling hands immediately upon arrival, taking your pew straight away as directed by the steward including whether to sit by the wall or the aisle; not moving from your place at any point during the service; and leaving promptly afterwards.

To reserve a seat please contact Julie at administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk or 07756 918847.

After booking a seat, if you find that you are unable to attend a service, please inform one of the churchwardens so that it can be offered to another person.

Reserve List

Having had empty pews in previous weeks, we are looking to put together a reserve list of those people who are willing to be contacted at short notice to attend a service. If you would like to be included on this list then please let Julie know.

St Andy’s

Did you know St Andy’s has a website!? Recently relaunched, revamped and made to look spiffing, you can find it here: standyschurch.com. Meant as a place to provide some info about the church, what we do and where to find us, it makes an excellent way to show people who we are. 

If you would like to attend a service at St Andy’s please contact Julie as she will be taking bookings. Please contact administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk or 07756 918847 if you want to attend.

Sad News

It is with great sadness that I have to let you know that Tony Simons, who was Chair of Allesley Green Residents Association for some years and was involved in many community activities, sadly passed away on Friday 7th May. Our thoughts are with his friends and family at this sad time.

Baptism Verger                                                                       

With the church now open for public worship we are seeing an increase in requests for baptisms and therefore have an urgent need to add some people to our Baptism Verger rota. Baptisms take place after the morning service on Sundays usually at 12 noon and last about an hour to hour and half. If you are interested, please let Julie or the Churchwardens know and training can be arranged. This role is important as you will be the welcoming face of St Andrew’s to people who may not have been to church before. A fixed rate is paid for each baptism.

Baptism Visitor

We are also looking for a Baptism Visitor. This volunteer role involves contacting families to meet with them to obtain details for the baptism and assisting with baptism preparation. If you are interested, please contact Julie for a full job description.

Christian Aid Week 10-16th May

As we were unable to collect house-to-house in 2020 this year is a very important year for Christian Aid.  Like so many other charities they desperately need your support. However, this year the collection will be very different.

Firstly, I was due the first of 2 knee replacements which did not take place and now I can only walk with a stick which will limit the number of houses I am able to collect from.

Christian Aid has produced some envelopes which will be delivered locally. I will include my details and if you wish to donate you can just return the envelope through my door. Also, I have set up an e-envelope should you wish to donate online. (link below)

At a time when we are all being asked to donate for one thing or another, I understand you cannot give to all.  Do please try and support us if you can.

Kindest regards
Pat Sullivan
8 Osbaston Close

Dogs in Churchyard

Due to an increasing amount of dog fouling in the churchyard we must ask dog owners to keep their dogs on a lead and ensure that any poop is bagged and binned.

Help Needed for an English Conversation Class

Are you a native English speaker? St Andy’s have started running a conversation class for refugees and asylum seekers in the Tile Hill area. We need volunteers to help run the conversation class on Wednesdays, 11.15am-12, currently meeting on Zoom. All you need is to be able to speak English and love God! If you are interested, please contact Sue Best (susanbest369@btinternet.com/07837488721).

Cleaning the Church

As we are opening the church again from Easter Day, our thoughts are turning back to cleaning the building. Currently, we have a very small team who are on the rota to clean once a week. The team is Phil and Denise Davies, Diane Wilson, Becky Crowe and I who clean on a voluntary basis. Ideally, we would like to add some more volunteers to help us.

It normally takes a couple of hours to clean the church and side room (we are not cleaning upstairs currently) to make sure it is ready for a service on Sunday.

Cleaning of the building is important at the moment, not just to show visitors that the church is cared for, but also as part of the arrangements to allow us to open the church safely. Would you be able to help? If so, please email me at nicktooby@btinternet.com

Thank you, Nick Tooby


The date of the church’s annual meeting will take place on Monday 17th May at 7.30pm via zoom. The access codes will be available later this week.

Building our Faith

Our zoom Bible study continues this Wednesday at 7.30pm. The theme is The Holy Spirit and all are welcome to join us.

The zoom details are available from Sue Masters on 07958 322026.

Youth Work

We are looking to safer recruit volunteers for our Youth work. If you feel you could help with either the Drama Club, Rock Solid or the Youth Wellbeing course then please get in touch with Emma at standrewscovyouth@gmail.com 


To June Clarke whose birthday is on Wednesday, 12th May and Ann Dove whose birthday is on Thursday, 13th May.

Also, many congratulations to Rebecca Martin who celebrates her 50th birthday this Sunday 16th May.

Please Pray

Please pray for Rita Muir who has had a fall and is badly bruised: and for John Shelton whose health is improving but has a slow recovery ahead.

Please also pray for St Andrew’s as work continues to take place in the process of finding a new vicar.

Do send Julie your favourite bible verses or hymn verses, names for prayer and any birthdays, celebrations or articles for inclusion in the bulletin. Julie can be contacted on 07756 918847 or administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk


Church Contacts

Parish Administrator: Julie Crow – 07756 918847

Churchwardens: Nick Tooby – 07951 925772 or Becky Crowe – 07875 552518