Bulletin – 1st February 2021

Church Bulletin

I wonder how you are with loss, such as Greg and Fran moving on? When someone moves out of our lives it leaves a bit of a hole. This can be a bereavement or even just the loss of personal contact through lockdown. Whatever it is, we are left bereft because someone who was present in our lives is no longer there. It is in these times God encourages us to let him into those spaces, which he is more than sufficient to fill. Our emotional need is not negative (even though it feels like it!) but instead reflects the need we all have for connection and belonging. God can provide this if we simply let him in! Revelation 3v20 says “I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” Let’s allow God to come and fill the place where we feel bereft.

God Bless

Phil Richardson

So, who’s in charge now?

Technically, Greg will remain Vicar of St Andrew’s until he leaves the Vicarage on Feb 3rd. Thereafter, the churchwardens along with the Area Dean have legal responsibility for the life of St Andrew’s and specifically care of the building and the maintenance of worship. Day to day queries should be addressed to Julie at the Church Office at administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk or 07756 918847 or 2 Manderley Close, Eastern Green, CV5 7NR.

Prayer Guide

Click this link for the prayer guide for February

Leaving Service

For anyone who hasn’t seen it, or would like to see it again, below is the link to Greg and Fran’s leaving service.


Livestreaming Appeal

Last Sunday evening you may have witnessed the benefits of livestreaming. The PCC have decided to pursue the cheaper of two quotes. We are inviting those of you who have made pledges to the appeal to now make your contribution if you are still able. We still need a little bit more and will be immensely grateful for any donation however small. Donations may be posted to 2 Manderley Close, Eastern Green, CV5 7NR or via bank transfer details available from Clive at clive.murden@btinternet.com

Service Collection and Online Gifts/Donations

We trialled an online Christmas Church Collection page for our Christmas services this year and quite a few people used it to make their church collection / gift. The people I’ve spoken to have said they found it easy to find and use. We have decided that we will continue to offer this approach for people who attend our online services and normally give via the collection plate, or who may wish to make a donation to the work of the church. The attached link is the way to make a gift and this will also be included on the service link each week. Can I say thank you to everyone who continues to support the work of St Andrew’s Church your contributions are very much appreciated. Nick Tooby (Churchwarden).


Building our Faith Wednesday Evening Bible Study

Our weekly Wednesday evening group commenced on Wednesday 20th January at 7.30pm on zoom. For four weeks we will be looking at Women in the Bible.

The format for the evening is a brief talk and then a chance to share together, ask questions and discuss the theme for the evening. If you have been part of the group previously, we look forward to welcoming you back; if you have not joined us before or never been to a group like this, now may be the time to think about joining us.

If you are interested and have questions, or you need more information please contact Sue Masters, 07958322026, susanmasters@sky.com

Sunday Coffee Gathering

Please note that there are new access codes for the 11.15am Sunday gathering. Please contact Julie or one of the church wardens if you would like the codes.

Greg and Fran’s new address:

The Deanery
Main Road

They will be in residence from 3rd February. The email address and mobile nos remain the same.

Safeguarding Training

If you are a church volunteer, member of the PCC or have any role within the church, please ensure that you complete course C0 (mandatory) and C1 (depending on your role) which are both now available online at http://www.dioceseofcoventry.org/SafeguardingTraining. Please send Julie a copy of the completion certificate once you have completed a course. If you have any queries please contact Julie on 07756 918847 or administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk

Sad News

Leslie Neil, a long-standing member of the community, passed away in hospital on 21st January. Les lived in Sutton Avenue for 58 years just prior to moving to Avalon Care in November.

Please Pray

Please pray for Denise Davies’ mum, who is seriously ill with Covid; for Les Neil’s family who sadly were unable to be with him at the end; for the leadership of St Andrew’s as it enters a new phase; and for Greg & Fran for a smooth move.

Do send Julie your favourite bible verses or hymn verses, names for prayer and any birthdays, celebrations or articles for inclusion in the bulletin. Julie can be contacted on 07756 918847 or administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk