Bulletin – 29th May 2020

Church Bulletin

I wonder why so many people dislike seeing themselves? Perhaps like me you’ve been to weddings where there always seems to be one person that in spite of every encouragement from the wedding photographer will insist on standing behind the tallest person in the group and will not let their face be seen however much pleading goes on.  Like most phobias, this can be addressed by a programme of desensitisation.  We have a large flat screen telly on which I have been watching our Sunday morning services.  While I might have had to watch myself from behind my hands the first week or two, I have got used to seeing myself and can now watch without breaking out into a cold sweat.  Meanwhile, perhaps we should all remember the promise of the Psalms that the Lord is always watching us and loves us more than any other.


We look forward to seeing you on Sunday morning as we celebrate the great Feast of Pentecost, the church’s birthday and the coming of the Holy Spirit upon all God’s people.  Do join us for coffee afterwards via the usual link. Meeting and Password available from Greg.

Thy Kingdom Come

Continues today and tomorrow and then climaxes on Sunday with Pentecost Praise, a service for the whole diocese, which may be watched either on the Cathedral Facebook page or on the Diocesan Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuWeQd6g5n-J1FUSQQZ_XJQ/featured

Prayer Testimonies

We are grateful to those who have bravely shared a small insight into their prayer lives as a means of inspiring others to pray.  We are looking for anyone who can use a phone to record themselves who is willing to speak briefly about their prayer lives and be honest about the joys and challenges of it.  If you would like to find out more, please contact Lesley Lee at lesleylee4@hotmail.co.uk

Open Heaven

For your diaries, the churches of Coventry are planning to prayer walk every street in the city during the month of June.  We need St Andrews/St Andy’s to be part of ensuring that Eastern Green/Allesley Green is included in this.  At present, they have been rather neglected compared to the rest of the city. You can download an app from the Open Heaven Coventry website and claim roads for yourself or let us know and we will claim them for you. Please consider claiming your road.

For your prayers

For Mike Lynch who has been readmitted to hospital.

Thank you

To Diane Wilson for weeding the path round to the church yard. This was hard work in this hot weather, so thank you.


Betty Rippingale would like to thank everyone who sent cards/flowers and good wishes on her 96th birthday.


If during the period of the corona lockdown, anyone has had pictures, bible verses or any other kind of revelation of what God might be saying to us, please let us know – even if you have no idea what it means!

Food shopping

A reminder that we are here to shop! Please don’t wait until the cupboards are bare to ask for help.  A couple of days’ notice would be helpful.  Please contact Julie for assistance on 07756 918847 or administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk

There is a place of comfort sweet,
Near to the HEART OF GOD,
A place where we our SAVIOUR meet,
near to the HEART OF GOD.

Thanks to Elizabeth Cuthbert for drawing our attention to this hymn.