Bulletin – 4th January 2021

Church Bulletin

And a Happy New Year. I hope you had a joyous, peaceful and healthy Christmas. I start the first bulletin of the new year with some sad news. Flix Haynes died in the early hours of yesterday morning, having finally lost her battle against three different sorts of cancer at the age of 89. Flix’s death seems especially poignant for me, since Flix arrived at St Andrew’s three months after Fran and I and it now transpires has left at much the same time. She typifies what makes St Andrew’s such a special place, with her generosity, kindness, care of others and her passion for the needs of the poor. I was able to visit just before Christmas to say goodbye and even though bed bound and fading fast, she was still asking with genuine concern after others. Although health has prevented her from attending St Andrew’s in recent years, she will be much missed. Thankfully, kindness, generosity and caring for others will continue to typify the life of St Andrew’s.


Please under no circumstances respond to a scam; an email that purports to be from Greg (including his picture) asking for a ‘favor’. This is not me and not my email address. Please block it and do not reply. There are so many of these things around. Please always check with a phone call before parting with money. The number one hall mark of a scam is that the scammer will put pressure on you to do something immediately.

Greg and Fran’s Leaving Service

Apologies for the confusion over making reservations for attending Greg & Fran’s leaving service on the 24th. This should be done on Friday 8th at 10 a.m. or as soon after as you’re able. Please contact Julie to do this.

More Sad News

We heard yesterday that David Griffiths died about three weeks ago, not really having recovered from the death of Bernice last year. His funeral is in Hampton in Arden next Monday.

Corona Update

Please remember that if you are asked to self-isolate, it is likely to be without any notice. If you do not have neighbours or family close at hand, please do let us know. We are here to help. Do think ahead about what you might do under such circumstances

Christmas Tree

Anyone who has a spare hour at 3.30pm on Wednesday is invited to help take down the church Christmas tree. Please remember a mask!

January Prayer Guide

The prayer guide for January is available by clicking this link.

Online Services Appeal – Enabling your church to offer online services

Coronavirus has required St Andrew’s to be innovative in the way it reaches out and supports our community. We have recorded Sunday services each week and posted them on our website for people to feel connected with our church and to worship God. 

This has been really well received by members of the church community, the parish and yes, across the country (we have received some lovely feedback from people who have watched the services who don’t live in Eastern Green, or even Coventry). 

We are planning some exciting services to celebrate Christmas, from our Carol Service to an interactive Crib Service for young families, please look out for them on our webpage.

However, although this has been great, it does have some limitations, especially in these times when numbers allowed in church are so restricted. With your help we want to expand and improve our service to the community.  We are launching an appeal to raise £8,000 to install equipment to allow us to live stream our services. This will give us the capability and opportunity to live stream Sunday Services. It will also give us the opportunity, when appropriate and possible, to live stream other important services, for example funerals. We can all understand how difficult it is for families and friends not to be together to celebrate someone’s life. An online service, streamed to a person’s home can help both support the family and those not able to attend.

We are applying to organisations for grants to secure half the cost, but need to meet the other half from donations. If you feel that this is something you can support please make a donation via the link below. Thank you……….


Book Club

The Book Club meeting tonight starts at 7.30pm on Zoom. Contact Sue Masters (07958 322026) or Greg Smith for the Zoom access codes.

Safeguarding Training

If you are a church volunteer, member of the PCC or have any role within the church, please ensure that you complete course C0 (mandatory) and C1 (depending on your role) which are both now available online at http://www.dioceseofcoventry.org/SafeguardingTraining. Individual reminders were sent out several weeks ago. Please send Julie a copy of the completion certificate once you have completed a course. If you have any queries please contact Julie on 07756 918847 or administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk

Please Pray

Please pray for Marilyn Starr in Myton Hospice; Ann Dove now at home following her knee operation; Mike Lynch in hospital following a fall and hip replacement; Alison Watts’ mother, Betty, who is having an operation today and our schools returning after the Christmas break.

“The City of God does not need the sun or moon for the glory of God is its light” Rev 21