Bulletin – 5th February 2021

Church Bulletin

Is this the beginning of Spring? This is the question I keep asking myself every time the temperature hits 8 degrees or I hear birds singing in the garden. I can’t wait for Spring. Not just because of the weather, but with the promise of lockdown lifting and opportunities to see each other properly returning. In the Chronicles of Narnia, they describe the White Witch’s curse as making it “Always Winter and never Christmas”! It certainly has felt like this in the last couple of months! But just as we know that Spring is coming, and will bring new life and growth (and warmer weather!) we know God will one day return to bring an end to the pain, sadness and suffering in this world, and make all things new. So, we can pray “Come soon, Lord Jesus!”.

God Bless

Phil Richardson

A note from Greg and Fran

Dear friends

Just a brief thank you for all the cards we received on our arrival in Pontesbury. They were so much appreciated, as was the beautiful flower arrangement that arrived this morning from St Andrews.

Some of you will have heard that our arrival was not smooth, with our suffering a serious car accident only a mile or so from our new home. Fran in particular has suffered some nasty whiplash injuries and would be grateful for your prayers. The car is a write off, but a courtesy car arrived this morning, exactly the same make, model, year and colour as the old one, so have been reminded that the Lord restores all things!

Many thanks for the kind messages of concern and help. Be assured we have been well supplied with cake, wine and fruit baskets as well as the tel no of the local Chinese takeaway.

Every blessing

Greg and Fran’s new address:

The Deanery
Main Road

Greg and Fran’s email address and mobile nos remain the same.

So, who’s in charge now?

With Greg having now left the vicarage, the churchwardens along with the Area Dean have legal responsibility for the life of St Andrew’s and specifically care of the building and the maintenance of worship. Day to day queries should be addressed to Julie at the Church Office at administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk or 07756 918847 or 2 Manderley Close, Eastern Green, CV5 7NR.

Book Club

The next Book Club meeting is on Monday 1st March 2021 at 7.30pm on Zoom. The book we will be reading and discussing is Plainsong by Kent Haruf.; ‘a novel of haunting beauty from one of America’s greatest writers of our time, Plainsong explores the grace and hope of every human life and mankind’s infinite capacity for love.’

We will meet on 1st to share our views on the book and to discuss some of the questions it raises for us. The group is open to all; if you have never been part of a book club this might be the time to give it a try. If you are interested in being part of the group please contact Sue Masters (07958 322026).

Service Collection and Online Gifts/Donations

We trialled an online Christmas Church Collection page for our Christmas services this year and quite a few people used it to make their church collection / gift. The people I’ve spoken to have said they found it easy to find and use. We have decided that we will continue to offer this approach for people who attend our online services and normally give via the collection plate, or who may wish to make a donation to the work of the church. The attached link is the way to make a gift and this will also be included on the service link each week. Can I say thank you to everyone who continues to support the work of St Andrew’s Church your contributions are very much appreciated. Nick Tooby (Churchwarden).


Sunday Coffee Gathering

Please note that there are new access codes for the 11.15am Sunday gathering. Please  contact one of the church wardens if you need the codes.

Window Wanderland

An event called Window Wanderland will be happening in our area between the 6th and 12th March 2021.  Basically, people decorate their windows during this period and then a walking trail is created for other people to appreciate the artwork.

Window Wanderland can be enjoyed by everyone in the area, it is also Covid safe. The idea is that you make something to display in your window during the dates above it can be small and simple or large and impressive. If you don’t think you are an artist there will be some free online workshops to give you some ideas.

This is a great opportunity to show off our area of the City and for families to be involved in the City of Culture by being creative together.  Although there is no theme perhaps we could look at putting a religious theme or message into your window display?  But the most important thing is to take part.

This is the link for people to sign up https://www.windowwanderland.com/event/tile-hill-eastern-green-2021/

Anyone in Eastern Green, Tile Hill, Mount Nod, Bannerbrook and Allesley Green is included in our area.

Jigsaw Puzzles

I still have many 1000-piece jigsaw puzzles and a few 500-piece puzzles which are available for anyone to loan. If you would like one (or more) please contact Julie on 07756 918847 or administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk. If you are unable to collect a jigsaw please give me a call and I can arrange for one to be delivered to you. Please note that jigsaws will be available until the end of April.

Please Pray

for Phil and Denise Davies’ and their family as Denise’s mother passed away this week; for Les Neil’s family who sadly were unable to be with him at the end; for the leadership of St Andrew’s as it enters a new phase; and for Greg and Fran who have now moved to their new home in Pontesbury and also for a speedy recovery after their car accident.

Please also pray for St Andrew’s as meetings commence to begin the process of finding a new vicar.

Many thanks to Jayne Nye for providing the following bible reading as we move forward as a church and for Greg and Fran’s future:

Jeremiah 29. 11. ‘For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’.

Do send Julie your favourite bible verses or hymn verses, names for prayer and any birthdays, celebrations or articles for inclusion in the bulletin. Julie can be contacted on 07756 918847 or administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk