Bulletin – 6th November 2020

Church Bulletin

I have been very entertained this week, but also a little disturbed. I have been taking assemblies for four different infant classes and asking them the question what bird made a noise after Peter’s denial (I didn’t use the word ‘denial’ with six-year olds!) The responses were fascinating and made me laugh out loud: owl, golden eagle, dove, dodo and griffin! In fairness, when I gave them a clue about birds that you might find on a farm and would make a noise early in the morning, we did get there. Also, this Easter’s school service was wiped out by the corona virus, so it’s not a story that would have been fresh in the memory. Nonetheless, those final two answers suggest that for many of our children, the Christian faith is something that is extinct or belongs firmly in the ‘legend’ category. This is a reminder of the huge challenge the church faces. I don’t quite know where to start with the two children who suggested Jesus’ disciples might have been called Allah or Tinkerbell! If your new Vicar asks what on earth his or her predecessor was teaching the children, please assure him or her, I tried my best!


No doubt, many of you are taking the second national lockdown in your stride and are praying with me that it may prove the gateway to being able to share something of Christmas with our families. However, if you have any need at all (whether that be shopping or a listening ear), please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We are there for you. The church will be opened on Thursdays and Sundays for anyone to visit and pray quietly.

Remembrance Sunday

Please note that although the service for Remembrance Sunday will be posted at the usual time, it is designed for us to start watching at 10.15 a.m. so that we arrive at the act of Remembrance at 11 a.m.

Memorial Service

Sunday’s Memorial Service will be unaffected by the new lockdown measures and will still be posted online on November 8th at 6 p.m.  The service is an opportunity to remember all those who have died in the parish over the last 12 months and beyond. Thanks to Nick, Di, Fran and Rita for contributing to the service; and to Vicky for splicing it all together. We will meet afterwards for coffee (or a glass of wine!) at 6.45 via zoom. The link is available from Greg.


Despite Covid restrictions, it is still our intention to collect toys this year for Christmas. They will be distributed via the Family Centre in Tile Hill to children in the area who might otherwise go without (not least those whose families have lost jobs through lockdown). The centre currently has 100 children on their books that they are trying to support. As always, we will ask you to bring only new toys, unwrapped, and place them under the Christmas tree. Covid rules mean that we will have only limited windows to do this and that the deadline is set for 5 p.m. on Sunday 6th December.

Safeguarding Training

Please see the enclosed Safeguarding Training document. If you are a church volunteer, please ensure that you complete course C0 (mandatory) and C1 (depending on your role) which are both now available online. If you have any queries please contact Julie on 07756 918847 or administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk

Fundraising for Church

As those of you who know me, I enjoy crafting. I continued throughout the year hoping that we may be at some normal come the end of the year and that St Andrew’s Autumn/Christmas fayre would go ahead.  Unfortunately, this is not the case.  I have therefore put together an online stall which can be found by using the link :  https://youtu.be/fmsKDEBrV90  (For those of you who receive a paper copy of this bulletin a flyer is attached of what is available).

If you wish to purchase anything please contact me either by Tel 024 7646 1508 or email beccamartin@talktalk.net to arrange purchase and I can make delivery to the local area.

Many thanks for looking. Rebecca Martin

Book Club

The next Book Club meeting is on Monday 4th January 2021 at 7.30pm on Zoom. The book we will be reading and discussing is THE RUTHLESS ELIMINATION OF HURRY, by John Mark Comer.  The book’s focus is ‘How to stay emotionally healthy and spiritually alive’ and addresses ‘the compelling emotional and spiritual case against hurry in favour of a slower, simpler way of life. Whether or not you have been thinking about this over the last year the book may help to focus on this.

We will meet on 4th to share our views on the book and to discuss some of the questions it raises for us.  The group is open to all; if you have never been part of a book club this might be the time to give it a try. If you are interested in being part of the group please contact Sue Masters (07958 322026) or Greg Smith.

Foodbank Donations

To donate to Central foodbank, Sue Barnes is coordinating this so please contact her to drop off food at her house. Contact Sue at susanbarnes1960@outlook.com. If you are unable to give food you can also donate online here: https://www.trusselltrust.org/rddonate-checkout/

Good News

Thank God for answered prayer. Mike Lynch has been given the all clear.

Please Pray

For Marilyn Starr and Grace Latham, undergoing cancer treatment; for George Cooke, who has had a positive corona test, but is thankfully asymptomatic and for Hayley Davies who is in Intensive care with both Covid and pneumonia. Also for Bryan Walker who is still in hospital. Do pray for all those even more isolated by the lockdown.

Be THOU my Battle-shield, sword for the fight,
Be THOU my dignity, THOU my delight.
THOU my soul’s shelter, THOU my high tower;
Raise THOU me heavenward, O power of my power.

Thanks to Elizabeth Cuthbert for reminding us of these inspiring words from Be Thou my Vision