Pews News – 9th February 2014

9th February 2014

St Andrew’s Church welcomes allcomers, whether this is your first time or thousandth time in church. You are welcome whatever your age, gender, marital status, disability, race or sexuality.  You are welcome whether you have a deep and mature faith in Christ; are uncertain and still seeking; or have no faith.  If you are new to church, please do take a welcome leaflet to be found in the pews; and do not hesitate to ask one of the welcomers if you have any queries.

Parish Administrator
We are delighted to announce the appointment of Julie Crow as our new administrator.  In her role as Parish Administrator, Julie will be the first point of contact for all routine enquiries about church matters.  Her e-mail address is: and telephone number 07756 918847.  Julie will be working Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Church Diary
With the appointment of a new Administrator, we will be able to operate a church diary. Julie should be advised (see above for contact details) about any event that is scheduled for church including services, meetings and groups, whether regular or one off.  In this way, we can ensure that the heating is on when it is needed and the church is never double booked.

Education Sunday
Many thanks to all those who supported Education Sunday last week at Woodlands School.  It was great to see the hall so full and to hear the Infants sing and the Juniors speak so eloquently.

Pastoral Care Co-ordinator
We are extremely grateful to David Griffiths for agreeing to take on the role of pastoral care co-ordinator for St Andrews.  David may be contacted on 01675 442240 (please note the number was wrong in last week’s Pews News).  He would be keen to hear from anyone currently undertaking pastoral visiting or who might like to in the future.

Vicar’s Cruise
Greg, Fran and Daniel will be away cruising in the Caribbean (!) from Feb 13th to March 13th.  Routine enquires should be addressed to our administrator.  Pastoral enquiries should be brought to the attention of David Griffiths (see above).  All other urgent matters should be addressed to Alex on 07717 778853.  Please look out for the postcard!

A new financial confidence project is being launched in this area (SORTED).  If anyone would like to volunteer for this team, please speak to Greg

Healing Team
We are looking to recruit new members for our Healing Team.  Anyone who feels they may be called to this ministry should speak to Bev or Alex.

Junior Church
Junior Church continues to seek new volunteers.  If you are willing to join this wonderful team, please speak either to Tracy Huckfield or Frances Hawkey.

Myton Hospice Charity Shop
Please note a new charity shop has opened in Tile Hill Village for Myton Hospice.  Donations of books, clothes, toys etc. would be warmly welcomed.

Baptism Visiting Team
We are also looking for volunteers to join our baptism visiting team.  Please speak to Norah Hall for further information.

Budget Questions
Following the budget presentation to the congregation a fortnight ago, please see additional sheet which seeks to answer the written questions that were posted on that occasion.

Under 30s Bible Study
A small bible study group for adults aged 18-30 is being launched on Weds evenings in mid March.  Anyone interested should contact Dan on 7642 2856.

Giving Tree Appeal
There is a thank you letter from Coventry City Mission at the back of church addressed to all those who so generously donated to their Christmas Giving Tree appeal by donating to our Toy Service.

Many thanks to all those who so generously supported the recent Marriage Preparation course and Recovery from Divorce and Separation Course by catering so wonderfully for us.

StAPH Leader
Please pray for the PCC tomorrow evening as it seeks to make the vital decision about employing a new paid StAPH leader.

Pram Service
Our bi-monthly Pram Service takes place on Tuesday at 9.15 a.m. for parents and pre-school children.  The theme this week is hospitality.  All welcome.

Forties Night
Many thanks to Julia McNaney for organising our Forties Night at the Village Hall; and to all those who supported the evening. We raised in excess of £200 for church funds.

Hope 2014
If you want to be part of an ecumenical movement across the city and across the country, branded Hope 2014, please see information on back noticeboard for further details.

Children’s Society Boxes
The annual collection of boxes will take place throughout March. If you can bring your box to church that would be great. You can leave them in the vestry if I am not there. Otherwise I can collect from your home. Once again, thank you for your loyal support. Jackie Lynch

Prayer List
Please pray for Brenda & Neville Lawrence, David Davies, John Checkling, and Angela Satchwell.  To add names to the list please contact Greg or Alex.

Sermon Summary
1. Salt is pure
2. Salt preserves
3. Salt adds flavour

Diary Dates
Mon 10th Feb               PCC at 7.30 in church
Tues 11th Feb              Pram Service at 9.15 a.m.
Tues 11th Feb              Allesley Green group at 7.30 p.m. at 8 Juniper Drive
Weds 12th Feb             Alpha on Bannerbrook Park at 7 p.m.

Readings                     Isaiah 58.1-9a (p 744) & Matthew 5.13-20 (p 969)Readers                       Norah Hall & Liz Reed
Preacher                      Greg Smith
Intercessions                Nick Tooby
Comm Asst                  Nick Tooby
Organist                       George Cooke
Next Sunday                Deut 30.15-20 & Matthew 5.21-37