Bulletin – 23rd July 2021

Church Bulletin

So today is another hot sunny day and we can expect to feel rather uncomfortable as the heat and humidity increases and we attempt to keep our homes as cool as possible – windows and curtains closed on the sunny side and wide open in the shade.   A cunning plan that my friend and I have discovered during the height of the heat, is to go to the café in the nearest air conditioned store –  very refreshing.  That, of course, is not possible for all and I remember, only to well, what it is like to have to work as the perspiration pours.

A couple of days ago, a friend mentioned how she had been on-line to explore the possibility of installing air conditioning in her home, surprisingly not as prohibitive as one would think.  Her logic was that it was likely that we would continue to experience such extremes of heat in the future and, as a person who had spent a large chunk of her life in America, it made sense.  She may be right and that is where the future lies.  It amuses me when this friend reminisces about her time in America and tells me how cold everyone was in the air-conditioned offices, to the extent of having to wear woollens inside and take off the layers when going outside.  It can be a funny old world!

My joy during these hot summer days has been having my breakfast on my shady patio, walking in shady woods and sitting outside reading during the cool of the evening.  Possibility for doing such in our climate is comparatively rare so these are gifts to be appreciated and much enjoyed and I do.

That reminds me of how generous our God is.  He has this amazing knack of providing silver linings during difficult times.   

“The Lord is good to all; He has compassion on all he has made.”  Psalm 145; 9

Lesley Lee

Church Opening

The church is open for live worship every Sunday and for private prayer on Thursdays.

Due to limited seating, places may be reserved by contacting Julie on a first come, first served basis. As before, we urge you if you have an invitation not to forget and if you are suddenly unable to attend to let us know at the earliest possible moment. Face masks continue to be required. If you see anyone not wearing a face mask, it is because they have medical exemption. We are not allowing any other exception. It is imperative the rules are strictly adhered to. This means gelling hands immediately upon arrival, taking your pew straight away as directed by the steward including whether to sit by the wall or the aisle; not moving from your place at any point during the service; and leaving promptly afterwards.

To reserve a seat please contact Julie at administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk or 07756 918847.

After booking a seat, if you find that you are unable to attend a service please inform one of the churchwardens so that it can be offered to another person.

The current arrangements for attending church will remain in place after 19th July and until the PCC have met to consider the new Church of England guidance. A further update will be included in the bulletin.

Children’s Service

Our next Children’s service will take place in church on Sunday 1st August. If you would like to reserve a place, please contact Julie on 07756 918847 or administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk

St Andrew’s ‘Rocks’  

This Summer we would like you to join us in designing and painting a rock on the theme ‘Why I love our Area’.

If you would like to paint a rock there will be a box outside the Church Entrance on Thursdays and Sundays throughout the Summer for you to pop your finished rocks in.

We will then display these rocks in our Rockery at the front of the Church to view and spread a little joy this Summer.

We can’t wait to see what you create!

If you have any further questions then feel free to contact our Youth Worker Emma on standrewscovyouth@gmail.com

Book Club

The next Book Club meeting will be on Tuesday 14th September at 7.30pm and the book we have chosen is: Who moved the Stone, by Frank Morrison.  A well-known book seller says this about the book: The classic text on examining the evidence for the Resurrection. Convinced that the story wasn’t true, Frank Morison started to write about Jesus’ last days. However, as he studied this crucial period something happened… First published in 1930, this is an exploration of what happened between the death of Jesus and the resurrection as recorded in the Bible. Writing this book changed Morison’s life.

Why not read it and join us to discuss what it says?

Any questions please contact Sue Masters.

Youth Work

We are looking to safer recruit volunteers for our Youth work. If you feel you could help with either the Drama Club, Rock Solid or the Youth Wellbeing course then please get in touch with Emma at standrewscovyouth@gmail.com 

Foodbank Donations

To donate to Central foodbank, Sue Barnes is coordinating this so please contact her to drop off food at her house. Contact Sue at susanbarnes1960@outlook.com

If you are unable to give food you can also donate online here: https://www.trusselltrust.org/rddonate-checkout/

Sunday Coffee Gathering

Please note that there will be no coffee gathering this Sunday.

Please Pray

For the next stage of the appointment process for our new vicar.

Do send Julie your favourite bible verses or hymn verses, names for prayer and any birthdays, celebrations or articles for inclusion in the bulletin. Julie can be contacted on 07756 918847 or administrator@standrews-eg.org.uk

Church Contacts

Churchwardens: Nick Tooby – 07951 925772 and Becky Crowe – 07875 552518

Parish Administrator: Julie Crow – 07756 918847

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